Saturday, 27 June 2015

Symbols: The Beast

      The beast, also known as the 'beastie' among the littluns, symbolises the primal instinct of savagery that exists in each of the boys. Everyone has the innate instinct of savagery. Simon manages to realise that the boys are afraid of the beast because it exists in everyone. The boys’ belief of the beast grows as they become more savage, as the boys progress through the novel. The beast is not a physical being, but rather an instinct of savagery that exists in everyone. Later in the novel, the boys treat the beast as a god, and provide offerings to it. This is because their belief of the beast grew as their savagery within them became more evident and more expressive. The beast seemed to be more real to the boys as they became more savage, telling us that the beast symbolises the instinct of savagery in human beings.

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